Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, the 6th

Well, I am watching the food network. I watch the cooking shows all the time, but I don't cook that much anymore. Too lazy. Today, I baked some steak with cream of mushroom soup over the top. How exotic. I picked out a bunch of holiday recipes yesterday. I probably won't bake more than the pumpkin cranberry bread and maybe sugar cookies. I bought a fudge mix so maybe fudge. My mother in law is making us her brown sugar fudge. Man, that is good. I have the recipe, but it is constant stirring. I probably would scorch it. Or it will turn out sugary.

I don't feel like decorating for Christmas. Just lazy. I have so much to do, I need to clean out my 2 junk rooms and paint one. Ayden needs a bedroom. I want to pull up the carpeting in both rooms and put down wooden tile or something. If we were staying in this house, I would replace all my carpeting with hardwood floors. Then buy some area rugs for warmth. Paul would throw a fit if he knew my plans.

Well, need to check on my gourmet meal.

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